I thought I would share a list of thoughts on each of the projects we have on our books for the rest of the year. These are as current as 10-15 at noon.
Wyoming/Brimfield Solar Farms
Currently our scope of work is to complete a 60′ by 80′ 6″ ca6 gravel pad along with (4) ditch checks. Derick is working on this along with repairing any silt fence currently.
No other work has been authorized at this time. We are waiting for a change order to complete the road which has changed since we priced it.
Mike Garland has a meeting onsite at the Brimfield location on 10/17 to discuss this project.
Knoxville I-74
(5) Tasks that can be completed as of noon 10/15
Dirt work on either side of the bridge when its dry
Saw cutting and shoulder removal in areas where there is barrier wall and doesn’t cut off our access for trucks.
4″ perforated drain repair/addition
Aggregate subbase (RR1 is coming from Riverstone at St. Augustine pit and Recon CA6 from Kickapoo yard)
Final storm drainage and structures (Brent and Jerad to get together on delivery and install)
RT 17 Bridge ICC
We are waiting for blk dirt approval to spread the final cover on the north side east of the bridge.
We need to final grade this area prior to hauling any blk dirt in. Spread the topsoil we stockpiled onsite and install the culvert at the field entrance prior also.
All earthwork otherwise is on hold until ICC gives us the go ahead. Same with riprap under and around the new bridge.
Goodfield Rest Area
We are starting the excavation/grading to -2′ of design on the lagoon Monday 10/21I’ve requested an onsite progress meeting early part of next week. to discuss job delays and future schedule along with progress payments. I’d like Mike, Jerad, Derek and myself to attend.
We are still waiting on structure submittals to be authorized for the sanitary sewer.
new GPS design was received today and will get updated
Mark Street reconstruction
By the end of this week both school and division streets will be completed.
Division will need to be black dirted and seeded along with hydro mulched.
We will need to check rip rap spec on the grout that is needed then schedule this work.
Make sure any joint sealant that needs do gets installed.
The rest of the job is on hold until a major gas main gets relocated.
Hennepin Bridge
IV Surveying is supposed to be laying out the center line and the tree removal this week.
Ken Giordano is supposed to be getting with Joe onsite to talk through the earth excavation.
The prebuilt steel bridge should be ready for delivery sometime after the first of the year.
Nothing gets mobilized or started until Joe’s meeting with Ken.
We can stockpile rip rap at the pit in bureau. 180 tons of RR4
Cardinal Building site
We are waiting for the final plans before we can start any of the concrete work. Should have them in 3-4 weeks.
We can finish earthwork and install storm drainage per Joe’s design. A bunch of 24″ dual wall plastic and some 4″ structures with open beehives.
We can install well structure and waterline per Joe’s design
This building is 250′ by 114′ with 8′ concrete walls everywhere plus a bunch of flatwork just to give everyone an idea of the size of the job. We also have flatwork and stone parking/driveways around the building.
Rockfalls Watermain
Adam will be continuing with watermain and services for the next week or so.
Preparation for all concrete and yard work can start behind him as necessary.
HMA will be done by Porter Bros. All we have to do is adjust the valve boxes to grade.
RB and W Park Rockfalls
We have a sanitary 6″ line to hook up to the structure that needs to be done ASAP. Get with Mike on the location and specs.
While we are there installing the sanitary, we can install (3) downspouts and carrier pipe to a line that will be installed by Kirby cable at a later date. Another Mike thing
A color chart was delivered to Robin for the remaining mortar that will be used on the front of the stage. This work can be done next spring.
(3) Boulders from our pit were asked to be installed instead of ballards. Mike and Joe have pics of the specific rocks she chose. Ill forward to Jon.
Nofsinger Road/ Peoria street reconstructions
All work and schedules need to have a meeting scheduled to discuss the upcoming work.
RT 26/29 Bureau bridge
Finish removal of all concrete
Russ Shevokas is coming back 10/22 to form ends and pour concrete back.
Rip rap is completed
Crack sealing under the bridge needs to be completed. Materials are at the shop.
Install rubber expansion joints.
Remove traffic control (Selco) Barrier wall is ours.
Traffic striping (Varsity)
Any seeding and restoration/seeding
Dolton Landfill
Create final bill
All tasks are completed after today when Vandermeersch is done with the hydro mulching.
Move home out any remaining equipment.
Iowa Landfill
Hire Quantum Land to do a final drone flight.
Joe will call Ryan
Marseilles Sidewalk punch list
(3) Locations to touch up with blk dirt and seed.
Mike will supply pics of the areas. Should be easily completed in a few hours by hand.
Atkinson Landfill
CA6 needs to be installed and graded at both ends of the new ramp we built.
There is a possibility that we still need to build a gravel road for Beau Harp. Joe is checking.
Ladd Sidewalk
Final paperwork completed
Ficek electric to install (4) flashing lights on some signs this week
New Office building
Tear out and replacement of existing sidewalk.
Additional sidewalk and patio around the back
Any landscaping we can complete
Installation of a new concrete parking area and road will plan for the spring to help get guys going.
I put this email together to help create communication between us all. Please reply to this email with any questions or additional thoughts. I haven’t included any Ironhustler work as of yet. I should know more by the end of the week. We will be moving into our new office tomorrow morning. Hopefully everyone starts to feel more organized. I know I will. Just an FYI, for those of us that don’t have an office. There will be a desk set up in the new office for anyone that would like to come in and work at it with a computer and internet.